Researchers from CONICET, the Ministry of Culture (Argentina), and UNICAL (Italy) presented some of the results from the TECTONIC project at the XII Congress on Archaeology of Patagonia.
Archive for tag: unical

Another exchange between ATLANTIS (Greece) and UNICAL (Italy) for TECTONIC project
During the period of June-August 2024, 4 researchers from ATLANTIS Consulting (Greece) were hosted by the University of Calabria in Italy, advancing educational collaboration between institutions.

SYNPO and UNICAL: The exchange of skills continues
The exchanges of skills and training between SYNPO and UNICAL continue, experimenting with new solutions for the protection and conservation of underwater cultural heritage.

DCAI 2024 Conference hosted a Special Session supported by TECTONIC Project
The University of Calabria recently participated in the International Conference “Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence” (DCAI’24), held in Salamanca from June 26 to 28, 2024.

Digital blue skills in Aegina pilot site: 3DR-UNICAL (Italy), Ministry of Culture & CONICET (Argentina) together in Greece
During the last week of June, in synergy with the TECTONIC project, a uBlueTec capacity building training was held on the island of Aegina (Greece).

TECTONIC project at EMCEI 2024
UNICAL presented the TECTONIC project at EMCEI 2024 - the 6th Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration.

The first field season in the Tectonic Project pilot site in Argentina was successfully completed!
The first field season in the Tectonic Project pilot site in Argentina (shipwreck of the schooner Emma) was successfully completed.

Today the conference “Arquelogía de naufragios y realidad virtual – Experiencias en Italia y Argentina” at Ecocentro Pampa Azul
Today the event "Arquelogía de naufragios y realidad virtual - Experiencias en Italia y Argentina" at 18:00, at the Ecocentro Pampa Azul.

The second fieldwork of the Tectonic project is underway in Puerto Madryn, Argentina
The second fieldwork of the Tectonic project is currently taking place in Puerto Madryn. The interdisciplinary team is working to document the Emma Shipwreck.

Antonio Lagudi presented “Photogrammetry and Underwater Cultural Heritage – The Italian Experience” at INAPL
Antonio Lagudi, from UNICAL, gave a presentation "Photogrammetry and Underwater Cultural Heritage – The Italian Experience" at the National Institute of Anthropology (Argentina).