Sergio Márquez's main objective was to identify various environmental conditions and material types necessary for assessing UCH risks.
Archive for tag: UnderwaterCulturalHeritage

Yeray Mezquita from BISITE group stayed in Cosenza (Italy) as part of the TECTONIC project
Yeray Mezquita from BISITEgroup stayed in Cosenza (Italy) as part of the TECTONIC project.

Yeray Mezquita’s Workshop: Blockchain for Maritime Exploration and Cultural Heritage Preservation
Yeray Mezquita from the BISITE group, as part of the TECTONIC project, recently carried out a research stay to Cosenza, Italy, collaborating with the 3D Research company.

UNICAL and CONICET scholars have completed the first underwater season of the TECTONIC project
UNICAL and CONICET scholars have completed the first underwater season of the TECTONIC project

Special Issue “Advanced Technologies for Maritime and Underwater Archaeology”
Special Issue “Advanced Technologies for Maritime and Underwater Archaeology”

TECTONIC Project Kickoff Meeting
In February, the kick-off of the TEchnological Consortium TO develop sustaiNabIlity of underwater Cultural heritage (TECTONIC) project.