Digital blue skills in Aegina pilot site: 3DR-UNICAL (Italy), Ministry of Culture & CONICET (Argentina) together in Greece

Digital blue skills in Aegina pilot site: 3DR-UNICAL (Italy), Ministry of Culture & CONICET (Argentina) together in Greece

During the last week of June, members of Ministry of Culture and CONICET (Cristian Murray, Mónica Grosso and Julieta Frère) were invited, within the TECTONIC project, to the uBlueTec capacity building training held in the island of Aegina (Greece). uBlueTec is funded by the European Union EMFAF program (European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund).

Dr. Kalliopi Baika (CNRS – Aix-Marseille Université), the coordinator of uBlueTec, organised the workshop, which was attended by 3D Research UNICAL (Fabio Bruno, Antonio Lagudi and Umberto Severino) as tutors.

The training focused on upskilling and reskilling in underwater technologies for documenting and mapping submerged sites. Activities took place at the pilot site of the TECTONIC project (the ancient port of Aegina in Greece), where 3D Research – UNICAL provided lectures and training on the use of various vehicles, including Autonomous Surface Vehicles (ASVs) and Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) equipped with technologies for optoacoustic imaging of the bathymetry.

Participants also learned about technologies for navigation and georeferencing within the underwater archaeological site using a smart buoy system and experienced virtual diving using VR headsets.
Other participants and lecturers came from various universities and institutions involved in the research and management of underwater cultural heritage, including Algeria (University Centre of Tipaza), Greece (Ephorate of Underwater Antiquities), France (Université de Aix-Marseille) and Croatia (University of Zagreb).

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